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About This Insurance


A brief overview

Motor Vehicle Insurance provides cover for your car, motorcycle, trailer and horse float, anywhere in Australia.
These types of vehicles are referred to as ‘your vehicle’ in this booklet. Under this insurance you can choose from
three different levels of cover, and three types of policies.

Levels of cover you can choose from
You can choose from

 three levels of cover, depending on your needs and your type of vehicle.
You can choose from:
• Comprehensive for cars, motorcycles, trailers or
horse floats.
• Third Party Fire And Theft for cars or motorcycles, or
• Third Party Property Damage for cars or motorcycles.
Comprehensive provides cover for:
• loss or damage to your vehicle, and
• your legal liability for loss or damage to another person’s
vehicle or property.
Third Party Fire and Theft provides cover for:
• loss or damage to your vehicle by fire or theft only, and
• your legal liability for loss or damage to another person’s
vehicle or property.
Third Party Property Damage provides cover for:
• your legal liability for loss or damage to another person’s
vehicle or property.
You can also broaden the scope of your cover by adding
options to your cover.

Types of policies you can
choose from

We provide three types of policies for you to choose from.
Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy – available under all 
levels of cover. This policy provides cover for your car, 
motorcycle, trailer or horse float.
Nominated Driver Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy
– available under all levels of cover, but only available for cars.
If you choose this policy, we will calculate your premium on 
the basis that your car will be driven by no more than two 
nominated drivers who are 25 years of age or over.
The drivers you nominate will be listed on your schedule.
Under this policy we will not cover any loss, damage or 
liability if your vehicle is driven by someone who is under 
25 years of age, unless it is being:
• parked by a parking attendant
• repaired, serviced or tested, or
• used to transport a person in the event of a medical emergency.
Nominated Driver Low Kilometre Motor Vehicle 
Insurance Policy – available under Comprehensive cover, 
but only available for cars.
If you choose this policy, your premium will be calculated 
on the basis that your car:
• will be driven by no more than two nominated drivers 
who are 25 years of age or over, and
• will not be driven more than 10,000 kilometres 
during your period of insurance.
The drivers you nominate will be listed on your schedule.
If you exceed the 10,000 kilometre limit, you may also 
need to pay an additional premium.
Under this policy we will not cover any loss, damage or 
liability if your vehicle is driven by someone who is under 
25 years of age, unless it is being:
• parked by a parking attendant
• repaired, serviced or tested, or
• used to transport a person in the event of a medical emergency.
This policy is not offered in Tasmania.

No Claim Bonus

We reward good driving by giving you a discount on your 
premium for each year that you do not make an at-fault 
claim while you are insured with us. We will reduce your 
premium in this way until you reach the maximum No Claim 
Bonus. If you make an at-fault claim, your No Claim Bonus 
will be reduced when you renew your policy.
If your car or motorcycle is involved in an incident, 
we will not reduce your No Claim Bonus if:
• we decide the incident was not your fault, and you 
provide us with the name, current residential address 
and vehicle registration of the person who caused 
the incident, or
• your claim is for damage caused by a storm or other 
naturally occurring event.
If you make a claim and we decide that you are at-fault, your 
No Claim Bonus will be reduced when you renew your policy.
Earned No Claim Bonus Protection provides you with one 
at-fault claim during your period of insurance without it 
affecting your No Claim Bonus.
If you make more than one at-fault claim during your period 
of insurance, your No Claim Bonus will be reduced at the 
next renewal of your policy.
You will be eligible for Earned No Claim Bonus Protection 
if you have:
• held your driver’s licence for eight years or more, and 
not had any at-fault incidents in the last two years, or
• been on the maximum No Claim Bonus with us for a 
consecutive two-year period and not had any at-fault 
claims in the past two years.
If you have the Earned No Claim Bonus Protection, it will be 
listed on your current schedule.
The No Claim Bonus only applies to Comprehensive cover 
for your car or motorcycle.

Excesses that may apply when 

you make a claim

An ‘excess’ is your contribution towards the cost of a claim. 
We will tell you if you need to pay an excess when you make a claim. 
There are four types of excesses that may apply:
• basic excess – the basic excess that applies to your 
policy, which varies depending on the make and model 
of your vehicle, and the State or Territory your vehicle 
is used
• age excess – applies when the driver of your vehicle 
is less than 25 years of age
• inexperienced driver’s excess – applies when the driver 
of your vehicle is 25 years of age or over and has not 
held a driver’s licence for the two consecutive years 
before the claim occurs
• additional excess – applies when we have agreed to 
cover your vehicle, or any person authorised to drive 
your vehicle, under special terms.
The type of excess that applies to your policy and the 
amount of that excess will be listed on your schedule.
You may need to pay more than one type of excess when 
you make a claim. You will only need to pay this amount 
once when you make a claim.
If you have a Nominated Driver Motor Vehicle Insurance 
Policy, or a Nominated Driver Low Kilometre Motor Vehicle 
Insurance Policy, and your vehicle is driven by someone 
other than a nominated driver, and that driver is 25 years 
of age or over, we will:
• double the basic excess, and
• double the inexperienced driver’s excess (if applicable).
If your vehicle is being driven by a learner driver, the 
applicable excesses will be based on the supervising 
licensed driver:
• the license held by the supervising driver must meet the 
class of license required by the learner’s permit, and
• for a Nominated Driver Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy 
and a Nominated Driver Low Kilometre Motor Vehicle 
Insurance Policy, the supervising licensed driver must 
be 25 years of age or over.

An excess will not apply if:
• the incident was not the fault of the driver of your 
vehicle, and we are provided with the contact details 
of the person who caused the incident, including their 
name, current residential address and vehicle 
registration, and who they are insured with
• you have selected the Windscreen Extension Option, 
it is listed on your schedule, and you are only making 
a claim for windscreen or window glass damage.

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