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By car, the road is not a playground!

The road is not a playground!

Road caption 

Owning the license provides a certain amount of freedom that is generally expected. Whether by necessity (for work for example) or for a moment of leisure, driving a car often generates a certain pleasure. But the road is not a playground and we  are not allowed to do what we want.
Respect for others and respect for the traffic laws are among the good rules of good behaviour for smooth traffic.

Before taking the road, make the owner's tour

This may seem logical, but we don’t always pay attention. Before getting into your car, it is advisable to go around, just to make sure everything is fine. A car parked outside may be damaged; a tire may have deflated...etc.
In short, it is never useless to make sure that your car is ready to hit the road. Your safety depends on it sometimes. From time to time, a lighting verification and, levels are also required.

Who has never been surprised by a frozen windshield? When conditions are not favourable, a few minutes in advance will allow us to clear the glass surfaces, heat the vehicle and so take the road with confidence. When you start late, stress, unfortunately, will make you forget certain rules of conduct.

 Respect of the traffic laws

The traffic laws are a device setting rules of conduct and penalties if we miss our obligations. It was introduced to harmonize traffic on public roads with the main purpose of avoiding traffic accidents. Everyone has his own place on the road and must comply with the priority rules, speed limitation...etc.
In short, respect the other people, whether they are motorized or pedestrians.

Good to know: that you are able to hit the road!
Every land motor vehicle must be covered by insurance as soon as it is on a road. Be aware that the lack of insurance leads to significant penalties (financial and sometimes legal) and can have serious consequences in if there is an accident. 

Alcohol, drugs and driving don’t mix


Drinking alcohol and consuming drugs can change your behaviour, reduce the field of view, increase the reaction time and increase the risk of a fatal accident by 15 times. Even at low doses, these two products act on the behaviour as well as the physical state and, its inhibitory effect often leads us to transgress prohibitions.

If alcohol consumption is allowed up to a certain limit (0.5 g / litre of blood and 0.2 g / l for young drivers), please note that consumption of products or substances classified as narcotic is strictly prohibited and, n ot only on the road!

Good to know: the long-term effects of narcotics
Smoking a joint or taking any stupefying substance poses a risk of positivity for several days, or even more than a week. Smoking on the weekend, for example, does not fade on Monday morning like magic. Think about it before getting behind the wheel. Not only is it forbidden, but the penalties are considerable, not to mention the increased risk of accidents.

Are you planning a long trip? So rest, because fatigue = danger!

Before taking the wheel for a departure on vacation, for example, it is important to have some rest. Fatigue and drowsiness also increase the risk of accidents. Remember to respect your usual sleep cycle to be fresh and ready. On the way, don’t forget to have some stops regularly (every two hours) and take the time to relax. Your journey will be even more enjoyable.

Good to know: a passenger = a seatbelt
Before departure, the driver must ensure that all passengers are tied up, front and rear (this is mandatory). The seat belt saves many lives every year.

Telephone, speed, alcohol, narcotics, insurance, driving license ... These terms are part of our daily life as a driver. Sometimes binding, the rules are however necessary for optimal traffic conditions. The road is shared, do not forget it!

The bottom line

The key points to remember about the rules to follow when taking the road:

Alcohol and drugs: no thanks!

Respect the the traffic laws.

I share the road with other users.

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